Thursday, April 18, 2013

Humidity,Dew Point? WHAT?

The relative humidity in Poland ranges from 46% which can be considered comfortable, to 97% which is extremely humid and not comfortable. The humidity in Poland can be very high because of the Atlantic air which collides with the dry air from the Eurasian interior. With that collision of the two different air sources, the weather tends to fluctuate frequently and the seasons may look very different.
Dew Point
The dew point is often a better measure of how comfortable a person rather than the humidity. The dew point will help describe what the weather will be like rather than the humidity will tell us. The lower the dew point is the drier is feels where the higher it is the more humid it feels. In Poland the dew point usually varies from 20°F, which is pretty dry, to 61°F which is a comfortable level.  It rarely goes below 3°F or above 67°F so it pretty much stays in the middle not spike to either negative of too dry or too humid.

The goal of humidity is to create condensation. This happens by reaching the dew point when the relative humidity is 100%. There are many ways this can occur, but in Poland this condensation happens through transpiration. Transpiration is increasing the amount of humidity present until it hits the dew point from the plants. You can see this by the amount of dew that is present on the plants, which can be called horizontal precipitation.
All this humidity talk can be kind of confusing, but more importantly you might be asking yourself what this means in my everyday life. Knowing the humidity can help you plan what to wear, how to still your hair, what activities to do for the day and much more.


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