Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Beginning of the End

Poland’s landscape is a very unique landscape.  In different areas of the country you can find completely different forms of landscape. It has a little bit of every type; it has the Baltic Sea, the Vistula River, and the Tarta Mountains and also contains karsts, lowlands and highlands. The amount of water that is present in and surrounding Poland would classify Poland as having fluvial and costal landscapes. With the Tarta Mountains, rock formations and other mountains in this country Poland can also be looked as being a Karast Landscape.  Looking at just the landscape of Poland you can see how unique and diverse this country really is.

Poland Landscape 1,000 Years from Now
                In 1,000 years from now I think that Poland’s landscape will have changed slightly.  I think that the Yearly ice ages that they have will be intensified.  As of now they experience an ice age every year in the winter time that claims 10-30 lives yearly.  I believe that due to the fact of moisture in the air that has been increasing steadily in the past years that by then the ice ages will be even more severe and claim 30-50 lives.   This will have a major impact on not only the landscape but the overall population and living conditions of Poland.
Poland Landscape 10,000 Years from Now
                In 10,000 years from now I think that Poland’s landscape will have changed a lot. I think that because of the Sea level fluctuations.  As of today in 2013 the sea level line is at 500km which is a relatively low level, and due to that a vast amount of the population lives in these costal lowlands.  With climate changes that are already in the process and the fact that the sea level is anticipated to rise, I see the landscape changing quite a bit.  I think that in 10,000 years the sea level will have risen to no longer be classified as being a low level and with this there will be no more lowlands for the population to live on.  I think that the population will have to move to higher grounds which would probably be more inland, as a result to this I think that the population density may be affected and they might be facing the problem of overpopulation.
Low Sea Level
Poland Landscape 1,000,000 Years from Now
                In 1,000,000 years from now I think that Poland’s landscape will have changed drastically. I think that over these years things such as increasing ice age, sea level fluctuation and the population demographics that are caused by these two and many other issues will have transformed Poland to be something completely different from what it is today.  I believe that with all the changes that are happening it will be such a drastic change that is will not be the same Poland that we see as of today.
Possible Overpopulation
                Overall Poland was a great place to research for my Physical Geography class.  There were so many different aspects that I could look at and examine.  Poland truly has one of the most diverse landscapes I have ever seen and I am glad that I got to see this for myself in this blog. 
